" Everybody is a genius.
But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking that it is stupid."
-Albert Einstein
This quote is the best quote I have read and reflected about among the millions of quotes and statements. It is a very touching quote and has many meanings to it in many different and wonderful ways, it makes one's mood a lot better while understanding its concept. When I understood all the meanings behind this statement, my perspective in life changed and I don't think that it'll ever return to how it was. Lets embark on a journey to a whole new world looking at us in a whole a different point of view.
It took me lots and lots of research to get to the bottom of this quote and think outside of the box. As I zooming from one place to the other, I watched a great youtube video that had everything I needed to know, preciously and in detail. This youtube has become my favourite sociologist talking about honour society is developing, "PrinceEA." He filmed many videos about school, education and intelligences, these videos has resulted in many people across the world to change their perspective about life.
About two years ago, it was my 12th birthday, my parents knew that I was really wishing for a dog as a present, but they kept telling me that I was not responsible or capable enough to take care of myself then to take care of a pet, haha. I was really offended and upset, and I would always have my face turned upside-down while facing them. Finally, when it was time for my birthday party, my dad drove me down to the bowling arena, where my birthday was being hosted. My mom said she'll pick up the cake and come straight away. Hours have passed and there is no sight of my mom, the party was almost over and didn't have a birthday cake! Later I found my mom walking in with a cute little white puppy with a beautiful rich red coloured coloured collar coming towards me, I couldn't believe my eyes! My dream has come true. After two months have gone by, my little puppy, Champy, still pees everywhere and was not potty trained. Thats when my mom profoundly took the decision to return her back to the pet shop, I kept trying to convince her but she said that she knew this was gonna happen. When my mom was at the door step, my younger sister stopped in front her and showed her one of PrinceEA's videos. Thank god, the video my sister showed her was the one where he uses this quote to state his opinion, "I JUST SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM." Now she is correctly potty trained, following a daily procedure.
Click here to watch Prince EA's Amazing video(s)
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