Visual Interpretation
A picture explains more that a 1000 words, just like this illusion! In this illustration, two men are arguing about whether there are 3 blocks or 4 blocks. When you look at the four blocks ended side then look back at the three blocks ended side, the fourth block abolishes. This picture explains a lot about everyone's daily life, like when to men are arguing about which football club is better. Everyone has their own point of view, reflecting back to the image, the man on the left did literally look from a different perspective of the object. Here the illustrator was presenting the object as different life choices, for instance, if it was for which football club is better, one man could have Real Madrid as his opinion because of the various 85 and up ranked players. The other man could have argued that Ahly FC. is a better football club because it represents his country. Both perspectives are nor right nor wrong, everybody has their own opinion in good ways and in bad ways. In the second illustration, its very similar, though, again the man on the left sees six and the other sees nine. This is all because of all the different perspectives in everyday lives. Real life situations are to be brooded about for days! No one could ever blame someone for having an accurate right or wrong opinion!
I see 6 8 0 9 2 4 1